Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's a Conspiracy!!!

Watching the US have a bit of a meltdown reminds me of how some of the best books I have ever read are based on really good conspiracy theories. There must be at least a dozen brewing even as we speak. From the ultra right wing (A racial group is to blame), to the loony left ( it must be the ultra right) and the "I don't have a strong grasp on reality" group (lizard overlords that are to blame). Of course the "end is nigh " people will have their own version, but they take things so seriously that it just seems a little cruel to poke fun at them.

I love conspiracy theories, the crazier the better. I also love the stories that sound like they should be a conspiracy but really aren't. My favorite conspiracy theory is about the moon landing- not that it was faked, but that the film footage was faked as they were worried about the quality of the footage that would come back and prepared some other stuff "just in case". See!, that one is quite plausable and quite believeable.

My favorite non-conspiracy story would have to be the CIA's plan to fake the second coming of Christ over Cuba so that there would be mass conversions and Fidel Castro's reign would end. Now I know that idea got a "You want to do What?" before it got very far, but I would have loved to have seen them try, just to see what sort of reaction they would get.

What is the weirdest conspiracy theory have you heard of? Do you have any really weird "This should be a conspiracy theory but it is all true" stories. Tell me.

Here's some wiki info


Jo said...

I love all the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and have read many books and watched heaps of documentaries about it. I'm sure the truth is out there.....

Martine said...

Sounds like a job for Mulder and Skully.